It’s Your Future
The College and Career Office at Charlotte Secondary School offers assistance with college admission applications, financial aid, interviewing skills, resume writing, SAT/ACT registration including fee waiver forms, and career planning tools among other resources.
CSS partners with CFNC to participate in NC College Application Week each fall. During College Application Week, seniors are encouraged to apply to the NC college(s) of their choice if they have not already done so. Many private colleges and all North Carolina Community Colleges waive their application fees during this period. Read more at https://www.cfnc.org/
Tools & Resources
https://www.cfnc.org/ CFNC.org NC college information, financial resources
Dual Enrollment Program at CPCC for our Juniors & Seniors
FAFSA.ed.gov Federal Application for Student Aid (graduating seniors only after January 1 )
Fastweb.com Scholarship resources
Bls.gov Bureau of Labor Statistics –shows job outlook and occupational projections
Princetonreview.com College rankings
https://www.mymajors.com Choosing a college major
Myplan.com Hundreds of 2-minute videos highlighting various careers
For more information or help with applying for college admission, contact Ms. Clevonne Phelps: